Should the government regulate social media sites, as a means to prevent fake news and misinformation?

Proponents argue that the arcane law disenfranchises millions of Americans from participating in democracy and has an adverse affect on poor communities. Opponents of felon voting rights argue that a citizen forfeits their rights to vote when they are convicted of a felony. approximately 5.8 million people are ineligible to vote due to voter disenfranchisement and only two states, Maine and Vermont, have no restrictions on allowing felons to vote. The 14th amendment of the United States prohibits citizens from voting who have participated in a “rebellion, or other crime” but allows states to determine which crimes qualify for voter disenfranchisement. The order overturned the state’s practice of felony disenfranchisement, which excludes people from voting who have been convicted of a criminal defense. In April 2016, Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe issued an executive order which restored voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons living in the state. Should convicted criminals have the right to vote? Proponents argue that the jobs and tax revenue created by the companies eventually offset the cost of any awarded incentives.

The European Union has strict laws which prevent member cities from bidding against each other with state aid (tax incentives) in an effort to lure private companies. Opponents argue that governments should spend the tax revenue on public projects instead and that the federal government should pass laws banning tax incentives. For the Arlington, VA headquarters the city and state governments gave Amazon $500 million in tax breaks. For the New York City headquarters the city and state governments gave Amazon $2.8 billion in tax credits and construction grants. More than 200 cities applied and offered Amazon millions of dollars in economic incentives and tax breaks. Amazon said the company could invest over $5 billion and the offices would create up to 50,000 high paying jobs. The announcement came a year after the company announced it would accept proposals from any North American city who wanted to host the headquarters. In November 2018 the online e-commerce company Amazon announced it would be building a second headquarters in New York City and Arlington, VA. Should cities be allowed to offer private companies economic incentives to relocate? Opponents argue that sanctuary city laws provide encourage illegal immigration and prevent law enforcement authorities from detaining and deporting criminals. Proponents of sanctuary city laws argue that they enable illegal immigrants to report crimes without the fear of being reported. Although Lopez-Sanchez had several outstanding warrants in 2015 authorities were unable to deport him due to San Francisco’s sanctuary city policy which prevents law enforcement officials from questioning a resident’s immigration status. Since 1991 Lopez-Sanchez had been charged with seven felony convictions and deported five times by the U.S. Lopez-Sanchez was an illegal immigrant from Mexico who had been deported on five separate occasions since 1991 and been charged with seven felony convictions. House of Representatives introduced the Establishing Mandatory Minimums for Illegal Reentry Act of 2015 (Kate’s Law.) The law was introduced after San Francisco 32 year old San Francisco resident Kathryn Steinle was shot and killed by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez on July 1, 2015. Should immigrants be deported if they commit a serious crime? "Our evidence and data show that testosterone, either naturally produced or artificially inserted into the body, provides significant performance advantages in female athletes," said IAAF President Sebastian Coe in a statement.

The IAAF stated that women in the five-plus category have a “difference of sexual development.” The ruling cited a 2017 study by French researchers as proof that female athletes with testosterone closer to men do better in certain events: 400 meters, 800 meters, 1,500 meters, and the mile. In 2018 the International Association of Athletics Federations, track’s governing body, ruled that women who have more than 5 nano-mols per liter of testosterone in their blood-like South African sprinter and Olympic gold medalist Caster Semenya-must either compete against men, or take medication to reduce their natural testosterone levels. In 2016 the International Olympic committee ruled that transgender athletes can compete in the Olympics without undergoing sex reassignment surgery. Should transgender athletes be allowed to compete against athletes that differ from their assigned sex at birth?